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A Book Inside, How to Write, Publish, and Sell Your Story

How to Organize a Virtual Book Tour E-Book

Stress Relief for the Working Stiff; How to Reverse the Embalming Effect

2008 Writer's Virtual Book Tour Schedule for Author Carol Denbow CLICK HERE!

For every Carol Denbow book ordered through this Website, one will be donated to a help re-build a library in a disaster striken area and 10% of the sold book proceeds will be donated to Breast Cancer Awareness.

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Thank you for visiting. I understand you have literally millions of choices when it comes to clicking on a particular website link, and I want to first acknowledge and thank you for choosing mine!

This website will offer you small business assistance, business and home life stress relief, and introduce you to my newest release, "100 Ways to Market Your Book for Free (or really cheap)."

You are visiting my primary website. I am the author of six non-fiction books and hundreds of helpful on-line articles. In addition, I am the editor for A Book Inside Blog, and my most proud accomplishment, mom of two awesome grown children, Justin and Jennifer.

More About Carol Denbow

Carols books include, Are You Ready to Be Your Own Boss?, Stress Relief for the Working Stiff, and A Book Inside, Writing, Publishing, and Selling Your Story.

Are You Ready to Be Your Own Boss? is a realistic approach to business start-up. This valuable small business resource is only 144 pages long, but covers all the basic mistakes new business owners make when starting and operating their business. This business start-up book is extremely comprehensive and easy-to-read. Read more about Carol's business book

It is estimated that as many as 80 percent of doctor's visits may be stress related. Stress Relief for the Working Stiff was not written strictly for today's workforce, but for all walks of life, including housewives and students. The book offers an understanding of the causes of stress, and suggests simple and effective stress relieving techniques for everyone in need of relief. Read more about Carol's stress book

80 percent of the United States population have expressed the desire to write and publish a book, yet most never pick up a pen and write. The reason may be that writing and publishing a book seems like such an unreachable goal. It's true that it's no simple task, but with step-by-step direction and encouragement, it is obtainable. Our free monthly e-zine contains information on writing a book, publishing a book (including self-publishing) and selling your story. Read more about Carol's writers resources

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